Broken Link Building

The Art of Broken Link Building: Turning Website Errors into Link-Building Opportunities

In the ever-changing world of SEO, broken link building has become a smart way to improve website visibility and get valuable backlinks. Rather than viewing broken links as a nuisance, astute marketers recognize them as untapped opportunities for link-building. Savvy SEO practitioners can forge mutually beneficial partnerships by identifying broken links on authoritative websites and reaching out to web admins.  This artful technique not only aids in improving website ranking but also cultivates relationships within the online community. The art of broken link building transforms website errors into valuable opportunities, making it a powerful tool in the modern digital marketing arsenal. What Is Broken Link Building? An SEO strategy involves finding and replacing broken or dead links on other websites with working links to your content. The process typically consists of three main steps: finding relevant broken links, identifying suitable replacement content on your website, and reaching out to the website owner to suggest the link replacement. Here’s a detailed breakdown of each step: 1. Finding Broken Links The first step is identifying websites with broken links in your niche or industry. You can use various tools, such as broken link checkers, SEO auditing tools, or browser extensions. These tools crawl websites and identify links that lead to non-existent pages (resulting in 404 errors) or other broken links. After you find websites with broken links, you can proceed to the next part. 2. Identifying Suitable Replacement Content After identifying websites with broken links, you need to find relevant content on your website that can serve as a suitable replacement. The replacement content should be highly relevant to the broken link and provide value to the website owner and their audience. It could be an existing blog post, article, guide, infographic, or any other resource that aligns with the broken link’s content. 3. Reaching Out to Website Owners: Once you’ve identified the broken links and prepared replacement content, the next step is to contact the website owners or web admins. This typically involves sending them a polite and personalized email informing them about the broken link on their website and suggesting your content as a replacement. You should explain the relevance of your content and how it can add value to their site and audience. It’s essential to establish a genuine and mutually beneficial connection. It’s essential to remember that broken link building involves more than just fixing broken links to get backlinks. There’s more to it than that. The focus should be on providing value and improving the user experience for website visitors and search engines. By fixing broken links, you help website owners maintain the quality and integrity of their websites while also gaining exposure and potential traffic from the link replacements. How to Do Broken Link Building? Broken link building is a way of building links by finding and fixing broken or dead links on other websites and contacting website owners to suggest replacing those broken links with your relevant content. This technique helps you acquire valuable backlinks and provides a service to website owners by helping them fix their broken links. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do broken link building: 1. Identify a Relevant Target Audience or Niche Determine the target audience or niche you want to focus on. This will help you find websites relevant to your content and likely to have broken links. 2. Find Potential Websites Use search engines, industry directories, or tools like Ahrefs, Moz, or SEMrush to find relevant websites for your target audience or niche. Search for websites that have a strong reputation and lots of outgoing links. 3. Identify Broken Links Once you have a list of potential websites, you need to find broken links on those sites. There are a few methods you can use: 4. Analyse Broken Links After finding broken links, evaluate their relevance and potential value to your website. Focus on broken links that point to content similar to what you can offer or related to your target keywords. 5. Create Relevant Content Develop high-quality content similar to or related to the web page the broken link was originally pointing to. Ensure your content is valuable, comprehensive, informative, and well-written. 6. Find Contact Information Look for the contact information of the website owner or webmaster responsible for the site’s content. This information is often found on the website’s “Contact Us” or “About” page. If you need help, you can use tools like or Voila Norbert to find email addresses associated with the domain. 7. Craft a Personalized Outreach Email Write a polite and personalized email to the website owner or webmaster, informing them about the broken link on their site and offering your content as a replacement. In your email, highlight the benefits of replacing the broken link with your link, such as providing a better user experience for their visitors. 8. Follow-up If you don’t receive a response after a week or two, send a follow-up email to remind the website owner about your suggestion. Keep your follow-up email polite and professional. 9. Monitor Your Progress Remember to keep a record of the websites you have reached out to and the answers you get from them. Maintaining a spreadsheet to record your outreach efforts, including contact details, dates, and responses, is helpful. 10. Repeat The Process Broken link building is an ongoing strategy, so continue finding broken links, creating relevant content, and reaching out to website owners. Over time, you’ll build a valuable network of backlinks. How to Find Relevant Broken Links? Finding relevant broken links involves a process of identifying broken links on a website that is related to your specific topic or content. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to find relevant broken links: 1. Identify Your Target Website Determine the websites on which you want to search for broken links. These websites should be relevant to your niche or topic. 2. Use a Checker Tool for Broken Links You can use various online tools to discover broken