Google Analytics

Google Analytics Account Setup Made Easy: Expert Tips and Tricks

Welcome to “Google Analytics Account Setup Made Easy: Expert Tips and Tricks!” In today’s digital world, understanding and harnessing the power of data is crucial for businesses to thrive.  Google Analytics provides a comprehensive platform for tracking and analyzing website performance, enabling businesses to make informed decisions and optimize their online presence. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced marketer, this guide will easily walk you through setting up a Google Analytics account.  From essential configurations to advanced techniques, we’ll share expert tips and tricks to help you make the most of this powerful tool. Let’s dive in and unlock the true potential of Google Analytics! How to Set Up a Google Analytics Account in 10 Steps? Step 1: Visit the Google Analytics Website Visit the Google Analytics website by typing “Google Analytics” into your preferred search engine or enter the URL “” in your web browser. Step 2: Sign In With Your Google Account If you already have a Google account (such as Gmail), click the “Sign in” button and enter your credentials. If you don’t have a Google account, just click the “Create account” link and then follow the steps to make one. Step 3: Set Up Your Google Analytics Account Once you’re signed in, click the “Start measuring” or “Create Account” buttons to set up your Google Analytics account. Step 4: Fill In Your Account Information You’ll be presented with a form where you need to provide information about your account. Here’s what each field means: a. Account Name Enter a name for your Google Analytics account. This could be the name of your website, business, or organization. b. Website Name Enter the name of your website. c. Website URL Type in the website address (URL) of your site. d. Industry Category Choose the industry that best describes your website. e. Reporting Time Zone Select the time zone where your data will be displayed. Step 5: Configure Data-Sharing Settings (Optional) You’ll be presented with checkboxes asking for your data-sharing preferences. Please read through the options and select or deselect them based on your preferences. These options determine how Google can use your data. It’s recommended to review each option carefully. Step 6: Click on the “Create” Button After completing the form, press the “Create” button at the bottom of the page. Step 7: Accept the Terms of Service You’ll be presented with the Google Analytics Terms of Service. Read through them, and if you agree, check the box indicating your acceptance. Step 8: Get Your Tracking Code Once you’ve accepted the Terms of Service, you’ll see a page displaying your unique tracking code. This code needs to be added to your website’s HTML to start collecting data. You can copy the tracking code or email it to yourself for future reference. Step 9: Install the Tracking Code on Your Website You need to add the tracking code to each website page to track your website’s data. The process varies depending on your website platform. Typically, you must add the code just before your HTML template’s closing </head> tag. Consult your website platform’s documentation or support resources for specific instructions on how to add the tracking code. Step 10: Verify Data Collection After adding the tracking code, it may take a few hours for data to appear in your Google Analytics account. To check if the data is being gathered correctly, you can use the “Real-Time” reports in Google Analytics. This will show you the data as it comes in live, so you can see if everything is working as expected. These reports show you what visitors are doing on your website at this very moment. How to Set Up Google Analytics on CMs-hosted Sites? Step 1: Sign Up for Google Analytics If you don’t have a Google Analytics account, you’ll need to sign up for one. Visit the Google Analytics website ( and click the “Start for free” button. Follow the instructions to make an account and set up your property. Step 2: Create a New Property Once signed in to Google Analytics, click the “Admin” tab at the bottom-left corner. In the “Property” column, click the dropdown and select “Create Property.” Fill in the required details such as website name, URL, industry category, and time zone. Step 3: Get Your Tracking Code After creating the property, you’ll be provided with a tracking code. This code is unique to your property and needs to be added to your CMS-hosted site. To obtain the tracking code, click on the “Tracking Info” tab under the “Property” column and then select “Tracking Code.” Step 4: Add the Tracking Code to Your Cms-Hosted Site Now, you need to add the tracking code to your CMS-hosted site. The process may vary depending on the CMS platform you’re using. Here are instructions for some popular CMS platforms: a. WordPress If you’re using WordPress, you can use plugins like “Google Analytics for WordPress” or “MonsterInsights” to easily add the tracking code. Install the plugin of your choice from the WordPress repository, activate it, and follow the plugin’s instructions to enter your tracking code. b. Joomla In Joomla, you can add the tracking code by navigating to the “Extensions” menu, selecting “Templates,” and then choosing your active template. Look for the “Custom Code” section and paste the tracking code in the appropriate field. Save the changes. c. Drupal You can use modules like “Google Tag Manager” or “Google Analytics” to insert the tracking code for Drupal. Install the module of your choice, configure it with your Google Analytics tracking ID, and enable it to start tracking. d. Wix In Wix, go to the editor of your website, click on the “Settings” gear icon, and select “Tracking & Analytics.” Click the “+ New Tool” button, choose “Custom,” and paste your tracking code into the provided field. Save the changes. Remember to save the changes or publish your site after adding the tracking code. Step 5: Verify the Tracking Code To ensure that Google Analytics is