Awakened Hypnosis

A Comprehensive Digital Marketing Transformation

Project Overview

Getting found online was a challenge for Spiritual Training & Hypnosis. They had a website, but it wasn’t reaching the desired audience. After working with Offshore Marketers for a year, the results were transformative.

The Results We Delivered

SEO Optimization:
0 %
Revenue increase
0 x
Social Media Marketing
0 k
Conversion Rate
+ 0 %


Awakened Hypnosis, a spiritual training platform, sought to increase their online presence, reach a broader audience, and maximise revenue. Challenges included:
  • Low search engine rankings
  • Underperforming ad campaigns
  • Limited social media engagement
  • Insufficient conversion rates


1. SEO Optimization: 160% Growth
  • Keyword Analysis: Comprehensive research on relevant keywords.
  • Quality Backlinking: Collaboration with authoritative sites.
  • Mobile Optimization: Ensuring a user-friendly mobile experience.
  • Content Strategy: Regular blog posts, guides, and articles.
2. Increasing Revenue through SEO: 2x Increase
  • Sales Funnel Optimization: Engaging sales funnels for conversions.
  • Localised SEO: Targeting specific local markets.
  • User Experience Enhancement: Improved site navigation and load times.
3. Ad Campaign: 100k Spent, 220k Revenue
  • Targeted Advertising: Data-driven ad placements.
  • A/B Testing: Various ad designs and copies.
  • Retargeting: Specific ads to increase conversion rates.
4. Social Media Marketing (SMM): 200 to 10k Followers
  • Engaging Content: Regular posts, videos, and stories.
  • Community Engagement: Active responses, live sessions.
  • Influencer Partnerships: Collaboration with spiritual influencers.


In one year, Awakened Hypnosis witnessed a significant transformation:
  • SEO Growth: Achieved 160% growth in organic search traffic.
  • Revenue Growth: Doubled the revenue through SEO and earned 220k from a 100k ad spend.
  • Social Media Expansion: Grew social media followers from 200 to 10,000.


Through a tailored, multifaceted approach, Offshore Marketers helped Awakened Hypnosis achieve its digital marketing objectives. The collaboration not only improved online visibility but also maximised ROI, establishing Awakened Hypnosis as a leading name in the spiritual training field.
The campaign’s success illustrates how strategic planning, understanding the target audience, and adopting best practices can create lasting growth and brand affinity. The partnership between Awakened Hypnosis and Offshore Marketers stands as a stellar example of the impact that specialised digital marketing strategies can have on business growth.