FitLife Dynamics

A Success Story with Offshore Marketers' PPC Management ​

Project Overview

FitLife Dynamics is a fitness and wellness company that offers a range of products and services, including personalized fitness programs, nutritional supplements, and wellness coaching. They wanted to expand their digital footprint, increase their social media following, boost online sales, and promote new product launches. To achieve these goals, FitLife Dynamics partnered with Offshore Marketers, a digital marketing agency specializing in PPC management, for a tenure of 15 months.

The Results We Delivered

Social Media Growth
0 K
Increased Engagement
0 K
Website Purchases Conversion Value
$ 0 %


Offshore Marketers designed a comprehensive PPC strategy that included both organic content development and paid advertising campaigns. The strategy was tailored to FitLife Dynamics’ specific needs and included:
  1. Follower Growth Campaigns: These campaigns were designed to attract new followers who were likely to be interested in FitLife Dynamics’ products and services.
  2. Brand Awareness and Website Traffic Campaigns: These campaigns aimed to raise awareness about FitLife Dynamics’ offerings and drive traffic to their website.
  3. Remarketing Conversion Ads for Product Sales and Sign-ups: These campaigns were designed to maximize sales and participation in FitLife Dynamics’ fitness programs and wellness coaching services.
  4. Organic Post Boosting: Selected posts on FitLife Dynamics’ social media profiles were boosted to increase their reach and engagement.


Over the course of 15 months, Offshore Marketers’ PPC strategy yielded impressive results for FitLife Dynamics:
  1. Social Media Growth: FitLife Dynamics gained 7,500 new Facebook followers and 10,000 new Instagram followers.
  2. Increased Engagement: FitLife Dynamics’ engagement rates on both Facebook and Instagram increased significantly, with a total of 500,000 post engagements.
  3. Increased Website Traffic: The brand awareness and website traffic campaigns resulted in 45,000 link clicks, with an average cost per click of just $0.75.
  4. Increased Sales: The remarketing conversion ads led to 3,000 product purchases, with an average cost per purchase of $10.
  5. Return on Ad Spend: The average purchase return on ad spend was 5.0.
  6. Website Purchases Conversion Value: The total website purchases conversion value was $150,000.


The partnership between FitLife Dynamics and Offshore Marketers demonstrates the power of a well-executed PPC strategy. By focusing on follower growth, brand awareness, website traffic, and sales conversions, Offshore Marketers was able to help FitLife Dynamics achieve their digital marketing goals and significantly boost their online presence and sales.