Green Apple Active

Digital Transformation


Green Apple Active, a leading yoga e-commerce site, sought to scale its digital presence and sales. Offshore Marketers were engaged to drive this transformation over a 1.5-year period. The collaboration resulted in explosive growth across various digital channels.

The Results We Delivered

SEO Success
+ 0 %
Ad Efficiency
+ 0 M
Social Media Triumph
+ 0 K
Ad Spend
+ 0 M


In an increasingly competitive marketplace, Green Apple Active needed to:
  • Amplify its online visibility.
  • Boost conversion through SEO.
  • Maximize ROI from ad spend.
  • Build a thriving online community.


  • SEO Success: A remarkable 200% growth, increasing revenue through SEO by 10x.
  • Ad Efficiency: A strategic spend of 2 Million resulting in 12 Million in revenue.
  • Social Media Triumph: A growth from 200 to 100k followers, building a strong and engaged community.


A multi-faceted strategy was designed to tackle these challenges head-on.
1. SEO Optimization
  • Keyword Research: Targeted content aligned with industry trends.
  • Link Building: Engaging collaborations and partnerships.
  • On-Site Optimization: Enhancing user experience.
2. Advertising Campaigns
  • Audience Segmentation: Targeted ads for specific customer personas.
  • Omni-Channel Approach: Leveraging platforms like Google Ads, Facebook, and Instagram.
  • Continuous Monitoring & Optimization: Real-time adjustments for maximum ROI.
3. Social Media Growth
  • Content Strategy: Creating engaging posts and videos.
  • Influencer Engagement: Extending reach through influential partners.
  • Community Engagement: Building a loyal following through consistent interaction.