Oceanic Dental Care

Project Overview

Oceanic Dental Care has been providing high-quality dental care services, including cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, and oral surgery, to patients since 2015. With six clinics across California, the company aims to offer personalized and comfortable treatment experiences to its patients. In January 2022, Oceanic Dental Care partnered with Offshore Marketers, a digital marketing agency, to implement strategic pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns for its six locations. The goal was to increase clicks, lead conversions, and decrease the cost per lead (CPL) for all accounts and services. By July 2023, Offshore Marketers had boosted Oceanic Dental Care’s conversion rate by up to 400 percent at a similar daily spend.

The Results We Delivered

Conversion Rate increased
0 %
Cost Per Conversion decreased
0 %
Impressions increased
0 %

The Highlights

After several months of learning and bid strategy adjustments, Offshore Marketers’ PPC advertising solutions significantly bolstered Oceanic Dental Care’s Google Ads performance and generated an unprecedented growth rate. Comparing the first 30 days (January – February 2022) to the most recent 30 days (June – July 2023), the following improvements were observed:
  • Leads increased by 350%
  • Conversion Rate increased by 400%
  • Cost Per Conversion decreased by 30%
  • Impressions increased by 500%
  • Clicks increased by 450%

Executing the Strategy

Oceanic Dental Care partnered with Offshore Marketers because it was not seeing results with its current Google Ads campaign. Before Offshore Marketers, the clinic did not have a robust digital presence. Moreover, the majority of its new patients came from referrals from physicians, with only about 20-30 percent of new leads and patients coming from inbound marketing.
The number of leads reported also varied dramatically from its total booked patients. Several general dental care-related keywords and ad groups that resulted in clinic calls were not converting into booked appointments.
Offshore Marketers ran a periodic review of Oceanic Dental Care’s Google Ads campaign to increase its monthly lead acquisition and conversions. They analyzed the campaign data, managed the negative keyword lists, created targeted ad copy and landing pages, and updated its keyword lists and bid strategy as needed.
The team also regularly monitored market changes, examined historical account data, and consulted with the client to ensure the PPC strategy remained up to date and continued generating profitable results.
Since Oceanic Dental Care’s current ad targeting strategy was not converting calls into booked appointments, Offshore Marketers paused the existing ad groups and keywords targeting campaign and focused on highly relevant search terms instead. In doing so, the daily ad budget was spent on more lucrative strategies that drove a higher return on investment (ROI).
Offshore Marketers also configured Google Ads call reporting to understand the lead quality beyond conversions, saving the client the hassle of reporting the quality of its leads.
The team launched new campaigns for all locations, highlighting more than 40 specific dental care services and targeting relevant keywords, including “cosmetic dentistry”, “orthodontics”, “oral surgery”, and “dental clinic”.
Offshore Marketers’ primary goal is to apply all the learnings from the previous year and create a comprehensive Google Ads strategy that reduces Oceanic Dental Care’s total cost while generating better conversion rates.