Social Media Marketing Success for Old Aztec

Project Overview

Old Aztec, a leading brand in artisanal home furnishings, has built a reputation for blending ancient Aztec designs with modern aesthetics. While the company has experienced moderate success through traditional channels, it sought to expand its reach and enhance its digital presence, specifically through social media. Old Aztec decided to partner with Offshore Marketers for a 9-month tenure, focusing on strategic Social Media Marketing (SMM). The goal was to enhance brand visibility, increase customer engagement, and drive sales.

The Results We Delivered

Organic Traffic
+ 0 %
Rise in influencer-driven sales
0 %
Social media engagement
0 %
Conversion Rate
+ 0 %


  1. Increase social media followers by 50%
  2. Boost engagement rate by 30%
  3. Elevate online sales through social media channels by 25%
  4. Enhance customer retention by 15%


1. Follower Growth
Over the 9-month period, follower count increased by 53%:
  • Facebook: From 10,000 to 15,300 followers
  • Instagram: From 8,000 to 12,240 followers
  • Pinterest: From 5,000 to 7,650 followers
  • 2. Engagement Rate
    Through strategic content and interaction, engagement rates soared by 35% across all platforms.
    3. Sales Growth
    Old Aztec’s online sales grew by an impressive 27%, directly attributable to social media initiatives. The total revenue from social channels went from $200,000 to $254,000.
    4. Customer Retention
    Through active community management and responsive customer service, Old Aztec’s customer retention rate increased by 17%.


    1. Content Development and Branding
    Offshore Marketers took the time to understand Old Aztec’s brand identity and created content that resonated with their target audience. A monthly content calendar was designed, blending visual storytelling with informative posts.
    2. Targeted Advertising
    Utilizing advanced targeting options, advertisements were displayed to users interested in home decor and traditional craftsmanship. Ad spend was distributed across Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.
    3. Influencer Partnerships
    Collaborations were established with influencers in the home décor space. This provided authentic endorsements and created a bridge to new, relevant audiences.
    4. Community Engagement
    Community managers were assigned to respond to comments and messages, fostering a sense of community and enhancing customer service. 5. Analytics and Continuous Improvement
    Regular tracking and analytics helped in understanding the performance and making data-driven decisions for continuous improvement.


    The partnership between Old Aztec and Offshore Marketers proved to be a rewarding collaboration. By focusing on customized content, targeted advertising, influencer partnerships, and analytics, Old Aztec’s digital presence was revitalized. The significant growth in followers, engagement, sales, and retention demonstrates the power of a well-executed social media marketing strategy.