The Home Builder

A Success Story in SEO Optimization

Project Overview

Getting found online was a challenge for The Home Builder. They had a website, but it wasn’t reaching the desired audience. After working with Offshore Marketers for a year, the results were transformative.

The Results We Delivered

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction:
0 %
Increased Traffic & Conversions
0 %
Increased Brand Awareness & Engagement:
0 k
Conversion Rate
+ 0 %


The Home Builder had established itself as a prominent name in the construction industry but had hit a growth plateau. The company’s social media presence was underutilized, resulting in untapped market potential. Their primary challenges included:
  • Stagnant follower growth
  • Low engagement rates
  • Inadequate conversion rates through social channels


Audience Targeting & Research
Understanding the audience was crucial. In-depth analysis provided insights into customer behavior, preferences, and demographics, which were key in formulating targeted strategies.
Content Strategy
Tailoring content to resonate with the audience, including:
  • Educational: Blogs, videos on home construction
  • User-Generated: Customer testimonials
  • Interactive: Quizzes, contests
Platform Optimization
Each social platform was treated uniquely, catering to the specific audience found there. Regular posting schedules were maintained, and platform-specific content was produced.
Paid Advertising & Retargeting
Running customized ad campaigns across platforms, focusing on potential customers and those who had visited without converting.
Community Engagement
Responsive community management to foster trust and loyalty.


Increased Brand Awareness & Engagement:
Follower Growth:
  • Facebook: 15,000 new followers (50% increase)
  • Instagram: 10,000 new followers (60% increase)
  • Twitter: 5,000 new followers (40% increase)
  • LinkedIn: 3,000 new followers (30% increase)
  • 25% overall increase in engagement rate
  • Increased Traffic & Conversions:
  • 40% increase in social media-driven traffic
  • 18% increase in sales through social media channels
  • Enhanced Customer Satisfaction:
  • 30% faster response to customer queries


Offshore Marketers successfully breathed new life into The Home Builder’s social media presence over the 10-month collaboration. By creating a tailored strategy that focused on the company’s specific goals and challenges, the team achieved outstanding results that contributed to the business’s growth.
The results stand testament to the effectiveness of a cohesive, well-executed marketing strategy, proving that with the right insights and execution, businesses can fully leverage social media to meet and exceed their goals.